Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 2

This week my partner and I we are still taking pictures of flowers and she is editing them.  The pictures that I take I send it to her so that she can edit them and make the flowers look better. Taking pictures of flowers is fun because you get to know what kind of flowers there are.  We already took a lot of pictures. I think this project is going to be fun because we are going to be seeing different kinds of flowers. And I also would like to learn more about plants, The different types of flowers that there are. I Think we are going to enjoy and learn many things from this project. We are going to keep taking more pictures of plants. We are looking for cute and beautiful plants to take pictures of them. This is a fun project yo get to know more flowers and know that they exist. There are a lot of flowers everywhere so I think we are going to have a lot of pictures .I don't think we are going to have time to take pictures of every single flower because there are a lot.We take flowers where ever we go. I think we are going to learn a lot from this project like learn what types of flowers there are.
 "Flowers are the music of the ground"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 1

This week my partner and I we are still taking pictures of flowers and she is editing them.  The pictures that I take I send it to her so that she can edit them and make the flowers look better. Taking pictures of flowers is fun because you get to know what kind of flowers there are.  We already took a lot of pictures of flowers.  I have my iPod with me all the time so when I see a flower i take a picture of it and send it to my friend so that she edit them.  I've seen a lot of different types of flowers and different colors too.  like two weeks ago I went to Disneyland and they had a lot of flowers like they made mickey face made of different flowers I took a picture of it but I don't have it with me but I will post it next week if I have it. We don't know if we are going to keep taking pictures of flowers or we might change our project to something else that is fun because I don't think this is a good project to do, there is no point of taking pictures of flowers.So far we have taken some pictures of plants. There are a lot of flowers that are the same type but different color  so I took a picture of every color. like this picture below its the same type of flower bou different color